About my blog


Trivia versus Trivial

I thought it would be appropriate for my first blog to give you an idea of what makes me tick and the type of content you will be able to read in my future blogs. As you will have noticed I have just published my first book ‘Trivia Lovers Ultimate Reference’. I mention this because it is a vital clue as to who I am.

People often think of trivia as the name implies, as being about flippant or trivial information that no one really cares about anyway. The truth is that the name trivia does not do justice to the pastime or the millions of trivia buffs around the world that are madly obsessed, partly obsessed or just plain obsessed.

My experience is that trivia lovers have a very broad range of general knowledge and interest in a huge variety of subjects, sure some of it is trivial but most trivia is actually important information. It never ceases to amaze me how often I use facts in my day to day life that I have learnt since taking up trivia as a pastime. It also amazes me how my own ability to learn, retain and retrieve information has improved drastically as a result of participating in trivia. From a very young age I had a thirst for knowledge and developed interests in a wide variety of activities and subjects so I guess it was a natural progression that I would love trivia.

This brings me to the possibilities for future content in my blog. I will be writing about a broad range of topical issues such as social justice, the environment, animal welfare and anything I believe is worthy of public comment. Unlike trivia though I will avoid flippant and trivial issues in favour of posts that I hope will be engaging, interesting and informative for the reader. It is my intention to try and blog on a weekly basis but as we all know sometimes life interferes with the best laid plans so please forgive me if I miss a week sometimes.

I value your comments and input but please be respectful. Be happy and safe till next time.

Debra Russell



4 thoughts on “About my blog

  1. Christine Gill October 14, 2017 / 5:48 am

    Yeah well that is exactly why i decided to give your book a look. I am always trying to improve my general knowledge on many subjects and thought your book was definitely worth a look. I have often found myself in situations where I’m in a group of people either at a party or other type of gathering where you are required to chat to many people. I haven’t been to Uni or done further education and often find it hard to be able to comment on many subjects. However, I have found if you know a little bit about many things you can usually get by as not feeling like your dumb. Thanks for the book you wrote I’ve really enjoyed and am still enjoying reading it.


  2. Michael October 15, 2017 / 8:33 am

    Good luck and best wishes for your future blogging, its a fun game to play, most days..


  3. -Eugenia November 4, 2017 / 12:01 am

    Debra, best of luck with your future blogging and I am sure you will do well. We spill our ink to be read and heard, I have found WordPress to be a wonderful place to write. Sure, there will be a troll every now and then or someone with an attitude. I find it best to block and ignore those types. Keep writing and I look forward to your posts.


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